Professor Emeritus of Old Testament

B.A., Bethel College
M.Div., Memphis Theological Seminary
M.A., Vanderbilt University
Ph.D., Vanderbilt University

Steve Parrish joined the faculty of Memphis Theological Seminary in the summer of 1987 and retired in the fall of 2018.  His primary research interests have been creation theology in the Hebrew Bible and the Book of Psalms.  In addition to his book A Story of the Psalms: Conversation, Canon, and Congregation (Liturgical Press, 2003), he has contributed articles to Mercer Dictionary of the Bible, Memphis Theological Seminary Journal, Dictionary of Major Biblical Interpreters, Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary, and Lectionary Homiletics. Over the years he has been a frequent contributor to the devotional guide These Days.

Steve is a native of Kentucky and since 1973 has been married to Tricia Hines Parrish.  They have two daughters, Leah and Lindsey, and three grandchildren: Tanner, Avery, and Harrison Mueller.

Steve is an ordained Cumberland Presbyterian minister and served as pastor of the Mt. Sharon Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Nashville Presbytery from 1978-1983.  He has served interim pastorates and is a frequent preacher and teacher in area congregations.

He enjoys walking, gardening, grandchildren, and, as the occasions present themselves, playing guitar and song writing.