Dr. Christy S. Woodbury-Moore

B.S., Tuskegee University
M.B.A., University of Minnesota
M.Div., Virginia Union University
D.Min., Virginia Union University
Associate Dean of doctoral studies ________ ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SPIRITUAL FORMATION ________ Director of Supervised Ministry
Christy Woodbury-Moore facilitates the formation of faith leaders invested in theological education and the church. Entitled Give Me My Stuff: In Defense of Black Womanhood, Dr. Moore’s DMin work explores the nuances of the black woman’s experience in the world from a womanist perspective. Her research interests include formation of the seminary and post-seminary student, womanist theology, practical theology, women in ministry, and intersectionality of our faith and lived experiences.
Prior to joining the full-time faculty of Memphis Theological Seminary, Dr. Moore served as an adjunct faculty for the Doctor of Ministry Programs at MTS and the Proctor School of Theology. She also served as the Program Manager for the Doctor of Ministry Program at the Proctor School of Theology. Her experience runs the gamut from Corporate Leadership, Church Administration, and Theological Education.
Scholarship, Piety, Justice