30 Days of Opera is Coming to MTS!

Join us on the front porch at the corner of East Parkway and Union Avenue on Tuesday, September 13th at 4:15pm as Opera Memphis performs 15-20 minutes of absolutely wonderful and free opera. Visit http://www.operamemphis.org/30-days-of-opera for information about 30...

Translation and Canon

Originally posted on OperaMemphis.org, November 10, 2015 By Opera Memphis Music Director Ben Makino I first read this a few months ago, and it was originally going to be the heart of a different post, but seeing as we’re in the midst of staging The Magic Flute, one of...

One Calling

by Rev. Dr. Tiffany McClung   When I was about eleven years old, give or take a year, my parents took me to see a high school stage production of a play called “The Drunkard.” My youth minister, Lou Smith, was the drama teacher at Minor High School...

MTS Theology & Arts at Wild Goose Festival

MTS Gallery Curator & Studio Manager, Whitney Brown, returns to Wild Goose Festival 2016. The Wild Goose Festival is a celebration found at the intersection of spirituality, justice, music, and the arts. It’s no surprise that the MTS Theology & Arts department...