We are pleased to announce that Dr. Andre E. Johnson has accepted the invitation to be the First Dr. Henry Logan Starks Fellow!
Dr. Johnson earned his Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Memphis, where he currently serves as an Assistant Professor of rhetoric, media studies and African American public address. He has published several books and articles that explore the interconnection of rhetoric, theology and politics, including The Forgotten Prophet: Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and the African American Prophetic Tradition, which received an Outstanding Book Award from the National Communication Association in 2013.
Dr. Johnson is also a former Starks Scholarship recipient and the 2016 Outstanding African American Alumnus honoree.

As our first Starks Fellow, Dr. Johnson will serve a vital role in shaping the Starks Institute. We will utilize his resources and connections to assist us in building synergy and partnerships with other institutions and individuals to fulfill our mission. He will assist us in archival work including sermons, artifacts and materials related to Dr. Starks; serve as adjunct instructor for at least one class on the subject: Faith, Race & Social Justice and host one community forum on a contemporary social justice issue.
We believe this partnership between Dr. Johnson and the Starks Institute is a continuation of
the commitment of MTS to stand at the crossroads of scholarship, piety and justice.
In the current national climate of racial tension and socioeconomic division, the Starks Institute
will seek to make MTS the focal point at the much needed intersection of theological discourse,
faith and its impact on race relations, poverty, and other relevant social issues. The mission of
the Starks Institute is to equip leaders, engage institutions and empower people in living out
what it means to do justice, seek mercy, and walk humbly with their God.
We are THRILLED to have one our beloved graduates, Dr. Andre’ E. Johnson, join the Starks Institute.