
2022 Ingram Lectures with Dr. Dwight Anthony Radcliff, Jr.

Memphis Theological Seminary is pleased to welcome Dr. Dwight Anthony Radcliff, Jr., Senior Pastor of The Message Center and the Academic Dean for the Pannell Center for Black Church Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary, as the Ingram lecturer for 2022. "We Have Been Missional: The Implications of James Evans' Historic Work for a Contemporary Black […]

Discussions with the Dean: A Spirituality of Creation Care with Dr. Robert Gottfried

MTS Academic Dean Dr. Peter Gathje hosts authors of new books for discussions about how their work relates to Scholarship, Piety, and Justice. On Monday, November 28 at 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm (CST), Dr. Gathje hosts Dr. Robert Gottfried, author of Living in an Icon: A Program for Growing Closer to Creation and to God […]