Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice



Dr. Laurel Kearns is Associate Professor of Sociology and Religion and Environmental Studies at Drew Theological School and the Graduate Division of Religion of Drew University, where she has taught certification, masters, Ph.D and D. Min students since 1994. Born and raised in Florida, she received a B.A from Florida State in Religion, Art and Humanities, her M.A. and PhD from the Institute of Liberal Arts at Emory University in 1994, with a concentration in the Sociology of Religion. She has researched, published and given talks around the globe on religion and environmentalism for over 20 years. In addition to helping found the Green Seminary Initiative, she has been a board member of GreenFaith since 1995, and is now serving on the Sustainability Committees of both Drew University and the American Academy of Religion, where she also chaired the Religion and Ecology Steering Committee.

This special series is funded by a grant from the United Methodist EarthKeepers and is sponsored by the Green Seminary Initiative at Memphis Theological Seminary.