

  • Justice Sponsor is the Presenting Sponsor for the event which gives your organization exclusive premiere signage, as presenting sponsor, in all printed and media-related materials for the event
  • The Presenting Sponsor’s logo and website will be featured prominently during the media presentations for the event, the MTS website and social media accounts
  • Premiere seating for 2 dinner tables (8 seats/table) with signage,  exclusive invitations to all House of Black Church Studies related events.
  • Recognition in the MTS Annual Report. 


  • Company/organization’s logo and/or website will be featured prominently in key event related printed/media materials, including media presentations during the event, with logo & website link featured on the MTS website  
  • One (1) full page color inside-or-backside digital program advertisement 
  • Reserved seating for 2 dinner tables (8 seats/table) with signage, exclusive invitations to all House of Black Church Studies related events. 
  • Recognition in the MTS Annual Report. 


  • Company/organization’s logo and/or website will be featured prominently in key event related printed/media materials, including media presentations during the event, with logo & website link featured on the MTS website  
  • One (1) full page black/white digital program advertisement 
  • One reserved dinner table (8 seats/table) with signage
  • Recognition in the MTS Annual Report. 


  • Company/organization’s logo will be recognized in key event related printed/media materials, including media presentations during the event, with logo featured on the MTS website    
  • 1/2 page black/white digital program advertisement 
  • One reserved dinner table (8 seats/table) with signage
  • Recognition in the MTS Annual Report.


  • Company/organization’s logo will be listed in the Digital Lookbook and recognized during the event, with logo featured on the MTS website      
  • 1/2 page black/white digital program advertisement 
  • One reserved dinner table (8 seats/table) with signage
  • Recognition in the MTS Annual Report.


  • Company/organization’s logo will be listed in the Digital Lookbook and recognized during the event, with logo featured on the MTS website      
  • 1/4 page black/white digital program advertisement 
  • One reserved dinner table (8 seats/table) with signage   
  • Recognition in the MTS Annual Report.