New Clergy Covenant Groups
CFI is excited to launch six new Clergy Covenant Groups! These groups are being led by Rev. Janie Dowdy Dandridge (rural West Tennessee), Rev. Inetta Rogers (Memphis), Rev. Lisa Anderson (Memphis), Rev. Johan Daza (Memphis), Rev. Lesha Agnew (North MS), and Rev. Susan Parker (North AL).
CFI Clergy Covenant Groups include 4 to 8 members who meet twice a month for two years to support, inspire, learn together and hold each other accountable as they seek to live fully into God’s call to ministry. Since the Spring, groups have been gathering online, and leaders meet virtually monthly to share insights and challenges, as well as envision the way ahead. Groups utilize a curriculum developed by Rev. Billy Vaughan to guide their conversations. Rev. Daza is translating the curriculum into Spanish for his group and future Spanish speaking participants.
These six new groups join six ongoing CFI groups led by Rev. Sue Engle (West KY), Rev. Birgitte French (Memphis), Rev. Jellory Stokes (Memphis), Rev. Stephanie Patton (Memphis), and Rev. Russell Morrow (Memphis).
Upcoming CFI Retreats

Due to CoViD19, CFI retreats scheduled for Fall 2020 will be held online. The silver lining of this shift is that retreats will be accessible to more participants.
Upcoming retreats are:
- “The Tie that Binds: Toward a Vision of Understanding and Dismantling Racism & Sexism” Thursday, August 27, 7 p.m. central
- “The Importance of Diverse Worship Styles in Promoting Equity in Church” late October, date and time to be determined
- “Imagining Shalom: Asset Based Community Development”, early November, date and time to be determined
AntiRacism and Creation Care & Environmental Justice are topics for Spring 2021 retreats.
Please visit www.faithandimagination.com or email formation@memphisseminary.edu for more information.
CFI’s website, www.faithandimagination.com, is a great resource for faith leaders and faith communities, including extensive resources on antiracism and pastoring in a pandemic.