When MTS announced its partnership with Room in the Inn, I couldn’t wait to get involved. I was so excited to find an opportunity that simultaneously allowed me to make a regular commitment to serve and allowed me to stay connected with my alma mater in a new and mission-driven way.

Once a month, I recruit 2-3 volunteers to help me provide and serve dinner to the RITI guests. We gather in Hilliard Hall for dinner and conversation before the guests retire for a warm night’s sleep.

Volunteering with RITI is about saying grace, breaking bread together, drawing on the restorative power of stillness, and spending time with others around a dinner table on a Sunday evening.

Serving with Room in the Inn at MTS feels like coming home for me in more ways than one.

–Katherine Whitfield, M.Div

Memphis Theological Seminary Graduate

If you’re interested in volunteering with RITI at MTS, please click this link where you can see volunteer opportunities and sign up for shifts. Thank you!