Vocational counseling:
Students are encouraged to meet with Dr. Maxine Thomas, Student Services Specialist, mlthomas@MemphisSeminary.edu for individual vocational counseling.
We can support you in your job search by helping you to create a resume and cover letter that accurately reflect your skills and experiences while allowing a potential employer to see how you could be a valuable asset to their organization.
Assessment tools
Career Key (www.careerkey.org)
Job Hunter’s Bible (www.jobhuntersbible.com)
Career resources
Association of Professional Chaplains (www.professionalchaplains.org)
Clergy Coaching Network (https://www.clergycoachingnetwork.com/)
Health Ministries Association (www.hmacofchrist.org/Index-HMA/index.php)
Military Chaplaincy (www.goarmy.com/chaplain.html)
National Institute of Business and Industrial Chaplains (www.nibic.org)
Job search resources
Choose 901 (www.choose901.com/jobs)
Christian Career Center (www.christiancareercenter.com)
Christian Century classifieds (www.christiancentury.org/classifieds)
Idealist (www.idealist.org/)
Indeed (www.indeed.com/ )
Jobs2Careers (www.jobs2careers.com)
JobStar (www.jobstar.org/index.php)
Ministry Search (www.ministrysearch.com/view.shtml)
Momentum Nonprofit (www.momentumnonprofitpartners.org/job-board )
Non Profit Career Match (www.careermatch.nptimes.com/jobs)
Youth Specialties Job Bank (www.jobbank.youthspecialties.com)
Place Comparison (www.bestplaces.net)
Salary Comparison (www.salary.com)