External Scholarships

External Scholarships

The Office of Financial Aid is committed to sharing financial resources with students in order to lower the amount of debt that students may incur. Listed below are external scholarships in varying categories to help in your search for scholarships and grants. Please note that these scholarships are not MTS scholarships and the websites for each scholarship can be accessed by clicking on the name of the scholarship within the document. Click on each category to open the document.


Memphis Theological Seminary
Office of Financial Aid
Brown-Shannon Building, Room B205
168 East Parkway South 
Memphis, TN 38104

E: financialaid@MemphisSeminary.edu
P: 901.334.5887
F: 901.458.8232



Important Websites

Selective Service                          ⊕ Social Security Administration                                 ⊕ National Student Loan Data System

FAFSA                                            ⊕ StudentLoans.gov                                                       ⊕ Department of Homeland Security

IRS                                                 ⊕ TN Higher Education Commission                            ⊕ Financial Aid & Repayment Calculators