Spiritual Direction Specialization with MACM or MDiv Degree Programs and Spiritual Direction Certificate at Memphis Theological Seminary

Why Spiritual Direction?
Do you want to grow in and explore your relationship with God and help others to do the same? Spiritual directors are spiritual companions who encourage persons to examine and expand their spiritual lives.

Why Studies in Spiritual Direction?
A good spiritual director has biblical and theological grounding in the spiritual life, training in the arts of listening and discerning, and practice in the spiritual disciplines. The Certificate in Spiritual Direction or MACM or MDiv with a Spiritual Direction Specialization combines biblical and theological studies with the specific training necessary for spiritual direction.

Become Part of a Community of Learning and Practice
Whether one is seeking the Specialization in Spiritual Direction within the MACM or MDiv degree programs, or seeking the Certificate of Spiritual Direction, the heart of the program is student involvement in a community of learning and practice. Students in Spiritual Direction form a community that takes classes together, meets monthly to reflect on what they are learning and how it will inform their practice of spiritual direction, and gathers for a retreat to explore their own spiritual lives and how this will shape their practice of spiritual direction.

Courses in the Art of Spiritual Direction, Prayer and Spiritual Disciplines, the History of Christian Spirituality, and the Practice of Christian Discernment form the core requirements. Students may also take classes in the Ethical Framework of Spiritual Direction, Spiritual Direction and Cultural Competence, and Spiritual Direction and Social Justice, among others.


The MACM or MDiv with a Specialization in Spiritual Direction
The MACM and MDiv provide an excellent foundation for work in spiritual direction. The MACM is a 48 hour degree. The MDiv is 78 hours. Students seeking the specialization in spiritual direction will fulfill those degree requirements, with 18 hours in spiritual direction courses plus the MACM Integrative Seminar (3hrs).

The Certificate in Spiritual Direction
For those who already have an MDiv or masters level degree in theological studies, the Certificate in Spiritual Direction consists of 18 hours of graduate level work. Fifteen of those hours are in the required core courses with one additional course elective. MDiv graduates or others who do not want or need graduate academic credit can still get the Spiritual Direction certificate by auditing classes at a rate of $430 per class.

The Curriculum In Spiritual Direction


Required Courses in Spiritual Direction (15hrs)
SD200 Introduction to the Art and Practice of Spiritual Direction (3hrs)
SD202 and SD302 The Enneagram and Its Use in Spiritual Direction (two sections each 1.5 hours)
SD Art of Prayer and Spiritual Disciplines (3hrs)
SD204 (CH/TH) History of Christian Spirituality (3hrs)
SD205 The Practice of Discernment (3hrs)


One additional elective from the following:
SD206 Ethical Framework for Spiritual Direction (3hrs)
SD207 Spiritual Direction and Cultural Competence (3hrs)
SD208 Spiritual Direction and Social Justice (3hrs)


MDiv and MACM Degree Students also take the MACM or MDiv Integrative Seminar (3hrs)


Cost of the Program
For students seeking graduate credit, tuition is $640 per credit hour (each 3 hour class is $1,920). For students auditing the classes, the cost is $430 per class.


How Do I Apply?
Contact the Office of Admissions at Memphis Theological Seminary for details to apply for either the Certificate in Spiritual Direction or for the MACM or MDiv degree with a specialization in Spiritual Direction. All applicants will be interviewed by the Spiritual Direction Review Committee as part of the admissions process.



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Click on the ICON if you would like to schedule a visit. We offer virtual open houses, information sessions, individual sessions, class previews and virtual tours to offer to prospective students.

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Admissions Department

We appreciate your interest in Memphis Theological Seminary. The MTS admissions staff is committed to supporting you in your theological journey. We are here to help you while you are discerning your call, considering degree and certificate options, and supporting you as you do ministry in the real world. At MTS we are committed to educating and sustaining men and women for ordained and lay ministry in the church and the world through shaping and inspiring lives devoted to scholarship, piety, and justice. Please don’t hesitate to ask how we can assist you along in your journey.

Terrick Banks

(901) 334 5804


Admissions Associate/Recruiter

Fekecia Gunn

(901) 334 5887

Associate Dean for Students