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Flexible: earn your degree either online or on campus, or with a mixture of the two with our MemFlex approach you select the course delivery that works best for you!

Practical: every class is taught by practitioner professors who are pastors, activists in the community, or leaders of non-profits, there are internships, immersion experiences, and community engagement opportunities throughout the course of study.

Solid Biblical and Theological Foundations: our curriculum ensures that you will have the biblical and theological knowledge and tools to provide pastoral leadership in a complex world and an ever-evolving church.


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is a professional degree that prepares you to be a transformational leader in ministry. Theological instruction combined with hands-on ministry experience in immersive courses and practicums offers the knowledge and skills necessary for creative pastoral ministry through the integration of scholarship, piety, and justice. MTS is proud of its accessible class schedules, offering the full MDiv curriculum through traditional or hybrid-online tracks.


  • Critically interpret Christian scripture, history, and doctrine to inform and guide ministry.
  • Employ theological reflection and exercise skills for ministerial leadership in light of cultural contexts and global realities within which the church carries out its mission.


  • Develop and sustain deeper self awareness and accountability for sustainable ministry leadership.
  • Be open to diverse perspectives and expressions of love for God, neighbor, and the creation.


  • View injustice in new and more complex ways because of transformational encounters with personal and systemic injustices.
  • Integrate ministry with critical, creative, and compassionate responses to injustice guided by religious faith.


Students should be able to understand and critically interpret scripture, history, and Christian theology.

Cultural Context

Students should be able to analyze local and global contexts and respectfully explore culturally non-
dominant perspectives in light of Christian tradition.


Students should be able to show growth in personal faith, emotional maturity, and moral integrity.


Students should be able to employ practical theological reflection and exercise skills in ministry.

Practicums are distributed throughout the curriculum so that students are grounded in ministry experience through the entirety of their course of study. There are practicums integrated into core courses including Formation for Ministry I and II, preaching, worship, pastoral leadership, and the MDiv Integrative Seminar. Additionally, there is a Clinical Practicum designed to give students pastoral care experience under supervision in a ministry setting.


Required Courses

Introduction to Theological Studies for Ministry 3
Interpreting Hebrew Bible 3
Interpreting New Testament 3
Christian Heritage I 3
Christian Heritage II 3
Introduction to Christian Ethics 3
Context and Models for Mission and Evangelism 3
Theology and Practice of Worship 3
Theology and Practice of Preaching 3
Theology and Practice of Pastoral Care 3
Theology and Practice of Pastoral Leadership 3
Christian Education and Spiritual Formation 3
Formation I & II 6
Clinical Practicum 3
MDiv Integrative Seminar 3
Total credits in Required Courses 45

Electives in Specified Areas of Study

Hebrew Bible 3
New Testament 3
Church History and/or Theology 3
Practice of Ministry 3
Interfaith/Intercultural 6
Total credits in Electives in Specified Areas of Study 21

Free Electives 

Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Free Elective 3
Total credits in Free Electives 9

Total credits: 78

“Practicum” denotes practical education experience within a course. The emphasis within a practicum is the practice of specific ministry skills. This may take place in a classroom, chapel, a local church, or other appropriate setting. Practicums may vary in number of hours from 20 to 70 hours.

“Field Education” denotes 20 hours of practical education experience within a course that takes place outside of the regular classroom setting. The emphasis in field education is learning that takes place through interaction with people and organizations related to the field of study.

“Immersion” denotes at least 50% of class time will take place outside of the traditional classroom setting. Immersions typically involve more field education than practicum.

Colloquia Credits:  MDiv students are required to earn 8 theological colloquia credits. The colloquia are administration and faculty-approved events held on campus or other events approved by the student’s faculty adviser.

Requirements for Ordination: Memphis Theological Seminary offers additional courses that meet ordination requirements for certain denominations. Students seeking ordination should consult their denomination officials to ascertain current requirements and procedures.

NOTE: Degree requirements listed here are for overview purposes only. Official degree requirements are found in the most current Academic Catalog or on current degree sheets.

Important Admission and Financial Aid dates 

NOTICE: If you intend to apply for scholarships as an incoming student you MUST meet the early application deadline.


August 9, 2024
Fall 2024 Admission deadline for Masters & Certificate programs
August 19-22, 2024
Fall 2024 Orientation and Residency I for New MDiv & MACM
August 19, 2024
First day of Fall 2024 Classes
October 1, 2024
2025-2026 FAFSA Opens
MTS School Code G10529
December 31, 2024
Spring 2025 Scholarship Application deadline
January 10, 2025
Spring 2025 Admission deadline
January 13-16, 2025
Spring 2025 Orientation and Residency I for New MDiv & MACM
January 13, 2025
First Day of Spring 2025 Classes
April 30, 2025
Admission deadline for DMin program
May 31, 2025
Fall 2025 Scholarship Application
deadline & Fall 2025 Early Admission deadline
for Masters &

Certificate programs
August 8, 2025
Fall 2025 admission deadline for Master's &
Certificate programs


The optional concentration in Chaplaincy Studies in the MDiv degree allows students who are interested in pursuing the call to ministry as a chaplain to deepen their theological preparation and practical skills for this important ministry that usually occurs outside of the local congregation either in hospitals, other health care facilities, prisons, the military, or the workplace.

The concentration in Chaplaincy Studies does not provide professional credentials with professional chaplain’s associations. However, it enhances the theological and practical understanding of the ministry of chaplaincy and will strengthen the qualifications and preparedness for those who wish to pursue ministries of chaplaincy upon graduation from seminary.

MDiv students who wish to complete a concentration in Chaplaincy Studies should speak with the director of chaplaincy studies about their interest and intent as early on in their degree program as possible.

To learn more about this concentration, click here


The optional concentration in Wesleyan Studies in the MDiv degree nurtures Wesleyan theological formation within the ecumenical environment of Memphis Theological Seminary. For students, the certificate offers a way to focus a certain amount of their coursework on theological formation in the Wesleyan/Methodist tradition. Completing the concentration in Wesleyan Studies requires the completion of 15 hours of coursework in courses carrying the “Wesleyan Studies” designation (normally 5 three-hour courses). It also requires active participation in the Methodist House of Studies during the time period when the student is enrolled at MTS.

Learn more about this concentration through the Methodist House of Studies.

“I chose to attend Memphis Theological Seminary because I felt that it was the best seminary to help me to broaden my outlook on life and theology. The diverse student body and faculty of this seminary provides an experience that is like none other. This diversity, in lifestyles, as well as doctrinal views, sparks many lively theological discussions in class and outside of class, and this has truly helped me to define who I am and what I believe. I feel that Memphis Theological Seminary, is a wonderful institution for someone who is truly open to lively theological discussions and is willing to be challenged in their thoughts, and is willing to be pushed to truly understand why as well as what they believe. All of these are reasons that I selected Memphis Theological Seminary to continue my education.”
John R. McGough

MDiv, '16

Admissions Department

We appreciate your interest in Memphis Theological Seminary. The MTS admissions staff is committed to supporting you in your theological journey. We are here to help you while you are discerning your call, considering degree and certificate options, and supporting you as you do ministry in the real world. At MTS we are committed to educating and sustaining men and women for ordained and lay ministry in the church and the world through shaping and inspiring lives devoted to scholarship, piety, and justice. Please don’t hesitate to ask how we can assist you along in your journey.

Terrick Banks

(901) 334 5804


Admissions Associate/Recruiter

Fekecia Gunn

(901) 334 5887

Associate Dean for Students