The House of Black Church Studies ensures an ongoing commitment to enriching the work and witness of Memphis Theological Seminary with both theological and spiritual resources for the Black Church context.

What can I expect from The House of Black Church Studies?
MTS students will engage in reflective practices in ministry under the supervision of a practitioner in a ministry context that reflects their denominational tradition.
Clergy and congregational leaders will develop leadership skills that will promote transformation in the pews.
Clergy, congregational lay leaders and MTS students will receive hands-on experiences that will facilitate learning through a community of practice. All resulting in them being equipped to re-imagine pastoral formation, homiletics, and liturgical design.
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in Congregational Ministry
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Internships: The House of Black Church Studies will provide opportunities for reflective practice in ministry through congregation and community non-profit internships. FALL ‘22
Certificate in Congregational Ministry: This certificate is designed MTS students and for active congregational leaders who are not interested in pursuing a master’s level degree. This certificate aspires to prepare African American leaders to offer competent leadership in congregations. Guided by regular participation in a ministry seminar, participants will gain a basic theological education consisting of biblical study and cultural and moral analysis concerning ministry and denominational context.
*MTS students who enroll in the Black Church Studies program may choose courses from the BCS curriculum. Upon graduation, Seminary students will receive both a master’s diploma and a Certificate in Black Church Studies.
Seminars: Summer Intensives at Memphis Theological Seminary will include courses for graduate credit for clergy and congregational leaders who are interested to receiving a graduate certificate in congregational leadership.
Workshops: Workshop topics will address issues related to leading a congregation or non-profit organization.
Imaginative Ecclesiology: The Imaginative Ecclesiology Institute will facilitate learning and innovations through a community of practice. We envision a variety of workshops to include:
Digital worship
Virtual Spiritual Formation
Neighborhood-based volunteerism
Re-thinking the way we think about “doing” ministry