Course Registration:

Click here for important information about course registration for:

  • January 2025
  • Spring 2025

Course Schedules:

2025    January   Spring 
2024    January   Spring   Summer   Fall
2023    January   Spring   Summer   Fall
2022    January   Spring   Summer   Fall
2021    January   Spring   Summer   Fall
2020    January   Spring   Summer   Fall


Credit Hour Policy:

Memphis Theological Seminary has policies and procedures that conform to commonly accepted practices in higher education. A “CREDIT HOUR” is the unit of measuring educational CREDIT, usually based on the number of classroom hours per week throughout a term. At MTS, students are awarded credit for classes based on the Carnegie unit. One Carnegie unit equals “one hour” (50 minutes) of classroom time or direct faculty instruction for 15 weeks of a semester and two hours of out-of-class student work each week. The guidelines also allow for equivalences for experiences that do not fit into average class experiences (labs, practicum experiences, etc.).

For a student to earn three credit hours, a course must involve 45 hours of direct faculty instruction (or the equivalent of this, such as guided instruction for outside classroom assignments or activities) and 90 hours of out-of-class student work during the fall and spring semesters.

Responsibility for approving the level of credit awarded rests with the seminary faculty through its Curriculum Committee, and is supervised by the Academic Dean.

Degree Sheets:

  • Master of Divinity (MDiv)

  • Master of Divinity (MDiv)
    • concentration in Chaplaincy Studies
  • Master of Divinity (MDiv)
    • concentration in Spiritual Direction


Colloquia Credits:

All master’s level students are required to complete a number of colloquia credits in order to graduate. Please see the Colloquia Credits policy.

If colloquia credit events are attended, students need only to sign-in as they attend the event to receive credit.

If students make up credits by viewing videos of the events online (please be aware that Sunday Morning Seminary/Pulpit & Pew lessons do not qualify as colloquia events) they will need to submit a completed Colloquy Summary and Response Form to the registrar’s office: Word | PDF

Everything on this page applies to master’s, certificate, non-degree seeking, and auditing students only.

DMin students are automatically registered for their next residency by the registrar as long as they remain in good financial and academic standing.

For more information or questions regarding course schedules, registration, or your degree sheet checklist, contact
the registrar’s office.

If you have questions about registering for courses online or anything about using the Student Portal, contact the
IT Helpdesk at