Louis Stulman, Ph.D.

Todd Lecture

Louis Stulman (Ph.D., Drew University) is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Findlay. His research interests focus on the Hebrew Bible and the Prophetic Literature in particular. Dr. Stulman has written, co-authored and edited numerous books, including You are My People: An Introduction to Prophetic Literature, The Prose Sermons of Jeremiah, Order Amid Chaos: Jeremiah as Symbolic Tapestry, Troubling Jeremiah, Abingdon Old Testament Commentary on Jeremiah, and most recently The Oxford Handbook of Jeremiah. His scholarly articles have appeared in the Journal of Biblical Literature, among others, and he has been a contributor to Feasting on the Word (WJK), the New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, as well as the CEB Study Bible and the New Oxford Annotated Bible. Dr. Stulman has served as general Old Testament editor for the Core Biblical Studies Series (Abingdon Press) and on the editorial board of the Journal of Biblical Literature. He has been actively involved in the Society of Biblical Literature, serving as founding co-chair of the Book of Jeremiah Consultation and president of the Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society. In addition to his professional activities, Louis enjoys hiking, cycling and traveling to see family and friends. He and his wife Kate have four adult children and four grandkids. Many years ago, Louis played guitar for the Star Sapphires and the Primes, a soul band in Baltimore.