March 6, 2023

Dear Friends of Jody Hill and Memphis Theological Seminary,

My name is Hilary Dow Ward, and I have the great privilege of being the alumni liaison of Memphis Theological Seminary for Middle Tennessee. I am the Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, where I also teach in the School of Theology. I am writing to you on behalf of our MTS president, Rev. Dr. Jody Hill.

Jody began his tenure as the ninth president of MTS on January 1, 2020. As a result of COVID-19, the seminary was unable to have a traditional inauguration to introduce our new president to the church and our larger community. Therefore, we have decided to bring his introduction to you and our community! Rev. Dr. Michael Clark, senior pastor at Winchester Cumberland Presbyterian Church (WCPC) and I would like you to be our guest for a luncheon on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. as we gather with President Hill and treat you to a meal at WCPC in Winchester, Tennessee? This will be a great opportunity for Jody to share how we are impacting the Church and our community at MTS, for alumni and friends to gather and for us to share opportunities for those considering MTS. 

It costs approximately $20,000 annually to educate just one leader in the Church and our larger community. However, MTS charges our students less than half that amount in tuition costs because of the support of our gracious donors. To celebrate Jody’s presidency, we have set an ambitious goal of raising $10,000 at this event. We have a very generous anonymous donor who has extended a matching pledge of up to $5,000 for the funds raised at this event. If we are able to raise $5,000, this combined gift of $10,000 will supply the entire tuition discount for one student for an entire year! This gift will surely impact their ministry for a lifetime and the kingdom of our Lord forever. 

Please RSVP here or contact our Coordinator of Alumni Affairs, Nathan Brasfield, by email at or by phone at (901) 334-5805.


Dr. Hilary Dow Ward

MTS Alumni 2011 and Donor


Rev. Dr. Michael Clark

MTS Alumni 1998 and 2009


We have set an ambitious goal of raising $10,000 at this event. We have a very generous anonymous donor who has extended a matching pledge of up to $5,000 for the funds raised at this event. If we are able to raise $5,000, this combined gift of $10,000 will supply the entire tuition discount for one student for an entire year! 

If you can’t attend in person but want to help us meet the $5,000 matching pledge to celebrate Jody’s presidency it’s easy to do so. Go to to donate online. You are also welcome to mail a check to: 

Office of Advancement 

Memphis Theological Seminary

168 East Parkway South

Memphis, TN 38104-4395