Dear MTS Family,

I am pleased to announce that last week our accreditation was reaffirmed by SACSCOC for ten years without any stipulations! In addition, we are approved for accreditation by ATS through 2025. Both of these accrediting bodies have also approved Memphis Theological Seminary to offer distance education. I am deeply grateful for the hard work and sacrifice of our faculty and staff that made these very significant accomplishments possible. Most of all, I give praise to God for wonderful gifts of grace all along this journey.

I am also excited to share that, as of December 15th, we have received donor gifts that exceeded $65,000 in just the first two weeks of the month! That means we have met our year-end matching pledge and will raise in excess of $130,000 for the month. Funds are still coming in, and this is beginning to look like a record month for gifts at MTS. If you would like to contribute and become part of this historic month of giving–just click this link.

Both of these updates are indeed “Good News” that I am pleased to share. It is especially fitting to make these announcements as we prepare to celebrate the greatest news the world has ever known, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11). It is my prayer that you and your loved ones will have a joyous holiday season.

Merry Christmas,
Rev. Dr. Jody Hill