“For Thine is the Kingdom”

Christianity and Empire, Past and Present
(Week 1 of 2)


What really is the kingdom of God?

What does it look like when Jesus’s followers misuse political power?

What does it mean to pray “for thine is the kingdom”?

Janel Kragt Bakker is Associate Professor of Mission, Evangelism, and Culture at Memphis Theological Seminary. She has been on the faculty at MTS since 2015. Dr. Bakker completed a Ph.D. in Religion and Culture at The Catholic University of America and was a post-doctoral fellow at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology. She went on to serve as Associate Director of the Collegeville Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, located on the campus of Saint John’s University in Central Minnesota. Dr. Bakker’s book, Sister Churches: American Congregations and Their Partners Abroad, was published by Oxford University Press in 2014. She is active in her church and community and lives with her family in Midtown, Memphis.