Dear Memphis Theological Seminary Students,

First, thank you for your patience and good work during this difficult semester as classes moved to the online format. I know this has not been without challenges. Second, please note that some changes have been made to the fall and summer schedule in response to the COVID19 pandemic.

ALL SUMMER CLASSES WILL BE TAUGHT ONLINE. Some classes will be offered synchronously and some will be offered asynchronously.

  • Synchronous means the instruction happens in the actual time with the students and professor digitally present to each other via Zoom or a similar technology.
  • Asynchronous means that students can complete required assignments independently (such as by viewing prepared lectures or other videos). Please note below which classes will be both synchronous and asynchronous, or which will be completely asynchronous.

Please note, HB299 Bible and the Blues has been canceled. This was to be an immersion class and therefore it cannot be offered. We hope that it will be offered again either in the January term or Summer 2021.

Classes that will be entirely asynchronous: 

  1. CH 200 History of American Christianity with Dr. Michael Turner will be offered online. All class sessions will be asynchronous. During the one week scheduled intensive portion of July 11-15 students should be prepared for additional work, but there will be assignments prior to and following that one week intensive as well. A syllabus will be available shortly for registered students in this class.

Classes with synchronous meeting times:

  1. PM359 Using Media in the Ministry has been added and will be offered online. Dr. Stacy Dandridge will be the instructor. This class will feature both synchronous and asynchronous class sessions. During the week of June 15-19 (the intensive portion of the class) students must be available for synchronous class instruction from 6:00-8:00pm. There will be required course work prior to and following the intensive week of June 15-19. A syllabus will be available shortly for registered students.
  2. EM 237 Mobilizing for Justice: Advocacy Ministry with Children and Youth with Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield will be offered online. This class will include both synchronous and asynchronous instruction. The synchronous instruction will be during the scheduled intensive week of July 20-24. During this scheduled intensive week students should be prepared for synchronous class sessions. Registered students will receive instruction regarding those class days/times during that week. A syllabus will be available shortly for registered students in this class.
  3. IFC 235 African Traditional Religions with Dr. Anum Akai will be offered online. This class will include both synchronous and asynchronous instruction. During the scheduled intensive two weeks of June 1-12 should be prepared for synchronous instruction during the hours of 6:00-10:00pm. Students who register for this class must be available during those hours for synchronous instruction. Additional course work will be assigned prior to and after the two-week intensive. A syllabus will be available shortly for registered students in this class.

DMIN Class Changes

ALL DMin classes for the summer will be offered online. Residencies will consist of a one week intensive. Students should be available for synchronous online instruction during the scheduled class time of 8:00am-5:00pm. Synchronous sessions will be distributed across the week of residency. There will be some asynchronous instruction and additional assignments prior to and following the one-week residency. Syllabi for DMin courses in each track will be available shortly for registered students.

Fall Schedule Changes

  1. IFC 300 Jesus Jails and Justice is canceled. This was an immersion class. Due to the uncertainty of access to jails and other possible immersion locations, it was necessary to cancel this class.
  2. IFC 330 Twentieth Century Saints and Martyrs with Dr. Janel Bakker has been added to the fall schedule. This class will meet on Wednesday mornings from 8:00-11:00am
  3. At this time, we continue to hope that day and evening classes will be able to meet in traditional “face to face” classroom formats, and that the online-hybrid classes will be able to meet with the usual combination of online and “face to face” classroom instruction. If we have to move to a completely online delivery of all classes, this announcement will be made by the end of June.