A Commitment of Solidarity with Undocumented Persons and Refugees

March 15, 2017

As the faculty and administration of Memphis Theological Seminary, we seek to live out our shared commitment to “embody God’s mission of redemption, justice, and peace in service to the new creation in Jesus Christ” (Vision Statement of MTS). Consistent with this mission, we stand in solidarity with undocumented persons and refugees who seek sanctuary in the United States.

As people of Christian faith, we affirm the centrality of welcoming the stranger, following the teaching of Jesus, “Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me” (Matthew 25:31‐46). We confess that we all are in need of welcome. Because of our faith, we welcome others as Christ has welcomed us (Romans15:7). We also recognize that each person is created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Therefore, each person deserves dignity and respect. We are called to welcome all irrespective of race, class, creed, or country of origin.

While we recognize the responsibility of our leaders to implement the laws of our nation, we urge that those laws be administered humanely, so as not to divide families, destroy basic human dignity, and deny refugees the welcome our nation, at its best, has extended to vulnerable persons.

As a seminary community committed to scholarship, piety, and justice, we celebrate our participation in the global church. We are committed to interfaith dialogue and intercultural engagement in service to the God who made of one blood all the peoples of the earth.