Program of Alternate Studies

Welcome to the PAS PAGE where you will find many of the answers to life’s persistent questions, or a few important facts about the Program of Alternate Studies.

What is PAS?

The Program of Alternate Studies (PAS) is a non-degree certificate program given oversight by the Board of Trustees of Memphis Theological Seminary.  It is an alternate route to ordination designed to accommodate those who possess significant gifts for ministry, yet whose circumstances hinder them from completing the regular course of study in a graduate school of theology.  It is intended to enable the women and men who are called by God to succeed in ministry to the limits of their capability.

PAS is an approved educational alternative for the preparation of ordained ministers in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.  This denomination has a long history of innovative efforts to provide the maximum possible preparation for persons who are called by God, who are gifted for ministry, and who find a seminary education inaccessible.


In 2012 the Program of Alternate Studies embarked on a groundbreaking, game-changing endeavor to bring the kind of robust practical education that constituents in PAS-U.S. have come to value. It continues to meet a huge need and “stand in the gap” for men and women called to ministry but hindered from pursuit of formal theological education. The Program of Alternate Studies is proud to be a part of what the Spirit of God is doing in Colombia. To view a brief (3 minute) audiovisual report from the Dean of PAS-Colombia CLICK HERE.

What are the COSTS?

Tuition:             $400 per course
Books:              $ 40 per course (ave)
Room & Board $ 33 per day (Bethel University prices)
Travel expenses and Weekend School room & board are the responsibility of the student.

Please contact the Director or Assistant to the Director of the Program of Alternate Studies for additional information:

Director:    Michael Qualls
Assistant:   Karen Patten


PAS is an authorized alternate route to ordination for Cumberland Presbyterian clergy. The local presbytery makes the determination of who may qualify for the exception to the traditional route due to extenuating circumstances such as age or family issues. It requires a vote of two-thirds of the members present to send a candidate through the Program of Alternate Studies. Most presbyteries pay all or a substantial part of the expenses for Cumberland Presbyterian students to PAS. In recent years the benefits of the PAS experience have been recognized beyond just those seeking ordination as Cumberland Presbyterian ministers. PAS and seminary graduates, aspiring clergy from other denominations, and lay-leaders have found great value in taking courses of interest. Anyone may audit classes of their choosing.